Blog / What’s Next? Survey Results

What’s Next? Survey Results

Making Creative Things Happen – Even During Lockdown!
Survey Results Summary

Survey open 25th June to 15th July
167 responses

During the unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the arts and creative industry faced challenges never before experienced and navigated. As Spring turned to Summer and events across the world were being cancelled, it was clear that whatever the industry looked like in the future, it was certain to be different to what we had all previously known.

At the end of June 2020 Findhorn Bay Arts released a survey for audience reply in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Committed to making creative things happen in Moray, for the local community and visitors – when they were able to return – Findhorn Bay Arts released the survey to connect with audiences and to hear the thoughts and feelings expressed towards future events and creative activities.

The results of which enable Findhorn Bay Arts to navigate into ‘a different’ future with the aim of rolling out a creative programme in Moray over the next twelve months which is sensitive to guidelines and social distancing but also enabling people to come and enjoy live art again.

Survey Questions
1. Are you missing the opportunity to attend cultural events and participate in creative activities?
2. What type of cultural events and creative activities would you feel most comfortable with attending in the coming months?
3. Are there certain types of venues and environments that you would feel comfortable coming back to before others?
4. Following Government Guidelines, would any of the following help you feel safer and more comfortable attending cultural events and participating in creative activities?
5. What are you most looking forward to about attending cultural events and creative activities?
6. When do you think you will feel ready to start attending cultural events and participating in creative activities again?
7. How comfortable do you feel about cultural events and creative activities taking place in your community in the near future?
8. How comfortable do you feel with visitors from out with the region travelling to attend a cultural event or participate in a creative activity in the local community in the near future?
9. If you don’t feel completely comfortable with cultural events and creative activities happening in the local community in the near future or with people travelling to the region to attend, please could you explain your concerns and what we could do to help make you feel more comfortable?
10. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your feelings, ideas or concerns about attending future cultural events or participating in creative activities programmed by Findhorn Bay Arts?

Results Synopsis
The majority of respondents, 52%, noted that they were missing the opportunity to attend cultural events and participate in creative activities ‘a lot’.

When considering different types of cultural events and timing of returning to events in the coming months, respondents indicated most strongly that they would feel comfortable to attend outdoor installations, outdoor cinema screenings and online activities first. Indeed, when looking at preferred venue types, 65% said they would feel most comfortable in an outdoor space and similar numbers would feel least comfortable in intimate gallery or theatre spaces.

At events, respondents indicated that several measures would make them feel more confident to attend including: queue management; contactless ticketing; limits on numbers attending; and, communication about safety measure prior to the event.

When asked about what they were most looking forward to about attending cultural events and creative activities, almost three quarters indicated that they wanted to support local venues and artists and that they looked forward to discovering something new.

Looking at timing of events, the response was spread across all time periods given as an option from people feeling ready to return now, to people not feeling comfortable until at least six months’ time. The largest response rate of 40% was found to be for returning to cultural events and creative activities in 1-3 months’ time.

The feeling towards cultural events and creative activities taking place in the local community was placed on a scale of 1 to 100, the average response outcome was 50. Similarly, the feeling towards visitors from out with the region travelling to attend events and activities received an average response of 35.

Two open ended questions to express further feelings returned 229 responses.

Respondent Demographics
The median age of respondents indicated being aged 55-64 years.
The majority of respondents, 73%, identified as female.
80% of respondents reside in IV postcode areas.

We have listened and hugely appreciate all your responses – thank you.

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