The Combine to Create Collective is made up of creative practitioners living and working in Moray who accepted our invitation to take up a long term residency working alongside Findhorn Bay Arts and with Elidh and Kresanna and communities in Moray.
Meet the Collective:
Jen Cantwell, a multi-disciplinary artist living in Forres, whose work spans art, design and craft, using drawing, lettering, collage and embroidery alongside on and off-line technology.
James Chitty, a designer, maker and artist based in Moray.
Heather Fulton, a theatre director, maker and teacher who has been working with children and families for over 15 years.
Rachael Macintyre, a theatre maker based in Forres, who directs, produces and performs for Jabuti Theatre and co-runs Moray Flying Circus.
Kate MacKay, who studied Fine Art at E.C.A and has worked as a community artist for over 20 years.
Duncan Wilson, a visual artist who specialises in working with groups of young people using mediums such as Graffiti and Street Art.
Ruby Worth, a creative practitioner who works across the forms of dance, movement, theatre, education and therapy.
Jen Cantwell James Chitty Heather Fulton Rachael Macintyre Duncan Wilson Ruby Worth Kate MacKay
To find out more about the creative practitioners and their residencies, visit the Combine to Create project page.
Combine to Create is a new and collaborative programme of creative activities in Moray supported by Creative Scotland through the Culture Collective Fund.
Building on previous work and reflecting on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Combine to Create will test and inspire new ways of working within and between creative practitioners and communities of identity and place through residencies that make creative things happen.
We will soon be announcing our open calls for future residencies through the Combine to Create programme. Keep an eye on our social media or sign up to our newsletter for more info.