Projects / Creative Learning & Participation / IGNITE: Moray Youth Arts Hub
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IGNITE: Moray Youth Arts Hub

Helping young people to find and explore opportunities to work and learn in the creative sector.

IGNITE: Moray Youth Arts Hub supports an innovative programme of arts and creative opportunities for children and young people across Moray.

Led by Findhorn Bay Arts and working in partnership with local and national arts organisations, children and youth service providers and local young people, the Hub develops and promotes creative activities for those aged up to 25 years.

The Hub is one of nine hubs established across the country as part of the National Youth Arts Strategy ‘Time to Shine’, supported by Creative Scotland. Together we aim to develop opportunities that enrich young people’s lives through arts and creativity.

Young people are central to the development of the Hub and shape the direction of its work. Our team of Moray Youth Arts Ambassadors work with us to promote creative opportunities and connect with young people across Moray.

The three year funded programme worked in partnership with youth organisations, Moray Council Youth Engagement Team, local artists and Youth Ambassadors to deliver arts and creative activities that young people in Moray wanted to happen.

The project supported 27 freelance artists to deliver 42 creative programmes and engaged with 3,085 people aged under 25 from across Moray, supporting over 30 into further education and employment.

Funders & Partners