Projects / Festivals & Events / Growing Culture

Growing Culture

An exhibition by young artists in Moray as part of the Culture Day Productions project.

Growing Culture was an exhibition by aspiring young Moray-based artists which took place at the Alexander Graham Bell Centre, Moray School of Art, in 2014.

Featuring a series of installations and artworks in a range of media (including light, sound, film, photography, sculpture and written word), Growing Culture brought together works generated by a group of young, creative people for Culture Day 2013, as part of the Culture Day Productions project.

Amongst the exhibition pieces were a collection of photographs of the Forres Colour Fun Run by Hannah Rogan; an industrial tree made from recycled materials designed by Ashleigh Dean and built by Lucas Dew; solar graphs of Anderson’s Primary School, Sueno’s Stone and Forres from afar by Ashleigh Dean; a series of clay heads by Milne’s High School; and the film “What is Culture?” by Tim Flood.

“We are absolutely thrilled that Moray College are hosting the Growing Culture exhibition. I was so impressed with the dedication and creativity of the participants whose willingness to be involved, cooperate and take chances allowed them to grow in confidence under the guidance of their mentors. The quality and diversity of the artworks clearly demonstrates the talent and determination of the young people involved.”

Gill Bird, Culture Day Productions Co-ordinator

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